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Postby Aguel on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:11 pm

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Re: Dike

Postby paroxysmia on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:44 pm

Her model card needs to be linked to this thread. ;)
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Re: Dike

Postby Aguel on Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:05 pm

"Sweet Teens and Black Cocks"

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Re: Dike

Postby liser on Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:26 am

she's listed in hairytwatter.net .what's her name there?
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Re: Dike

Postby liser on Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:40 am

also in "Superfuckers 24" (anal, a2m)
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Re: Dike

Postby liser on Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:15 pm

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Re: Dike

Postby 130975 on Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:14 pm

Chasin' Tail 2 (Sineplex)
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Re: Dike

Postby banger on Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:04 pm

Looks like she enjoys her work. Where did she go for all those years?
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Re: Dike

Postby Pierre Woodman on Sat May 23, 2015 1:43 pm

I don't know about it, but I know where was her first time on video ( just eighteen years old ) !!!

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Re: Dike

Postby Goldstar on Sat May 23, 2015 4:56 pm

Pierre Woodman wrote:I don't know about it, but I know where was her first time on video ( just eighteen years old ) !!!




Ah, Dike, yesterday's youth.....

Could be that you were the first but it all trueness I think you are the only one who finds this information relevant almost 14 years later.

Casting date: September 2001. When will the full initiation be released?
2029 will be a good year. Another 14 years. (Her original followers will then be grandpa with a limp Bratwurst :) ).

The point is just that if scenes are postponed for a period that is too long or if people are asking/waiting for a scene (or scene update) for many years, people just don't care anymore and move on to follow/collect other girls. There are millions of fish in the sea. It's like that with a new girlfriend. If the guy does not get pussy after 2 (or 3-4 dates MAX) then a normal healthy guy moves on because he knows he is being put in the 'friend zone' of a girl. Only a gay would stay (hey, that rimes :P ).

Hence why nobody commented last year after you finally posted Dorethe after 16 years!!!! Same story as with Dike.
http://www.woodmanforum.com/girls/dorot ... ml#p126735

Those people who you were referring to 'who asked about her for many years' are not 'strange'. They were interested in her in the late 90's and were following the girl at a certain time in their lives.
They don't want to hope, beg, ask the same question like some kind of retard over and over again. I don't get guys who beg another male for many years to start with (but that's another story).
The normal guy has just moved on in life, probably is married and have kids; they generally don't care anymore (or don't have priority any longer) about collecting/following porn or certain girls they were interested in 15 years ago. What's the point.

I think sometimes certain producers just don't realize this enough if they show surprise that nobody cares any longer about yesterday's youth.
They don't realise that many followers of certain girls have a life where porn just doesn't play a big obssessive part in their lives like it is the case with people who's job it is to actually produce porn. Additionally, porn girls often only have a short 'life span' in terms of followers (especially if that girl has only few scenes to start with).

Like the song goes.....there is always another girl.
Listen to the lyrics carefully.

Sing it!


You must really realise this when releasing scenes after more than 10-15 years.....
People move on.

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Re: Dike

Postby Pierre Woodman on Sun May 24, 2015 12:17 am

Maybe YOU are like that but many people not !!! I think absolutely the opposite and when for example I saw few months ago a video with Angelina Jolie at 18 years old ( drug addicted at this time ) released for first time in 2014, I thought " yes it's extraordinary " !!!
So, yes maybe some people prefer just the present than the past, but for me, until now, the future always gave me right at 95 %, about what makes or not most people happy, that's why I'm still here ...
And I have more like that in stock !!! ::: ::: :::

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Re: Dike

Postby veritaz on Sun May 28, 2017 11:24 am

She was really underrated. Nice anals with big black cocks... she deserved more movies, more blocbusters and more scenes.
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Re: Dike

Postby hannahtarra on Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:31 pm

What a great star.
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